To ensure our boxes get to those in need, we work alongside community organisations to distribute our boxes.

BaptistCare HopeStreet is a trusted place in our most vulnerable communities where people living with disadvantage and distress discover hope.  They believe everyone deserves to have hope for a better future. Across our NSW and ACT HopeStreet locations, they want every person to have somewhere safe and secure to sleep, to live without hunger, to have access to fair finance, to be free from violence and abuse, and to have the choice to access education and employment. Together we can create a space for real and lasting change in the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged. They offer affordable food, no interest loans, housing and homelessness support, domestic and family violence, employment pathways, counselling and group programs and women’s spaces.

Project Youth support young people aged 12-24 across Sutherland Shire, Georges River and Bayside offering programs that enable young people to be connected, safe, achieving and healthy. They support all young people who need additional support to fulfil their potential, including those who face disadvantages such as homelessness, mental ill-health, drug and alcohol dependency, family dysfunction, lack of education, unemployment, involvement in the criminal justice system, abuse, neglect and poverty. Their work is based on trauma informed and relational approaches, and is delivered collectively with partner organisations and the community to ensure we can have the greatest impact. They run programs addressing Early Intervention, Education, Employment & Training and Housing & Homelessness.

Gunawirra is a community-led organisation with 13 years of experience supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers, children and communities. They are Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people working side-by-side and culture is at the heart of our organisation and all of our programs. Their cultural advisors and professionals work together to ensure we provide authentic, community-led services that celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and healing.

The Gunawirra multidisciplinary team primarily works in two parts. One being our Young Aboriginal Mothers Group and the other working closely with 26 preschool communities to provide speech therapy, art therapy, occupational therapy and social work services.

DCJ is the lead agency in the Stronger Communities Cluster, which aims to create safe, just, inclusive and resilient communities through its services. The department enables services to work together to support everyone's right to access justice and other help for families, and strengthen the promotion of early intervention and inclusion, with benefits for the whole community. They work with children who are in out of home care. We partner with their support workers to make sure children are celebrated on their birthday.

Are you a community organisation or would you like to suggest one?

We are always looking for new organisations to partner with! If you are a community organisation that works with families in high need situations and would like to be able to distribute our boxes, please fill out the form below and we would love to consider what opportunities are possible.